Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A month, a whole month, a month seems like an eternity ago. A month since I heard your giggle, saw your face, kissed your sweet baby cheeks.  I never could imagine the hurt and pain possible within a month.  I’ve never shed so many tears in a month, never felt so much pain, never been forced to be this strong in a month.

I’ve also never been closer to God. I know without a shadow of a doubt He is here with me.  He doesn’t always walk with me, sometimes he carries me.  I think about the pain of losing our son on earth, and Easter is a whole new meaning.

I am thankful with every fiber of my body that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for me. I will experience eternity with Him, nothing else matters. As we embark on this week I personally feel a glimpse of the pain of losing and burying a son. As dark as this week ends, and as ugly as the pain is, we live for Sunday, the tomb is empty, He has risen, and I will rise to spend eternity with God’s Son and the entire family of believers.  Glorious will be that day!

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