Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reegan Drew
It’s been 3 weeks, 21 days, roughly 510 hours since I kissed you goodbye, told you I loved you, and left for work.  This has been the longest, hardest 3 weeks of my life.  Time moves in slow motion, I’m on the outside looking in, and I’m still guarded with my emotions. Yet I know, I know you don’t miss me, I know you probably don’t even realize I’m not in heaven, but I wonder, maybe, just maybe, do you look for me, or miss my voice? In reality, I hope not, I know heaven is a wonderful place filled with joy and celebration, not like this world, not with pain and hurt.

Our lives are getting busy again, busy with work, busy with friends, busy with family.  It’s nice to start figuring out what normal will look like again, even though I’d trade it in an instant for another minute with you.

Today was also the one year anniversary for a classmate of mine’s baby’s passing.  Her name is Peyton, and I know her parents loved her as much as I love you, so we’ll be praying for them today, praying that God holds them close, praying they experience peace, praying the pain goes away for them and doesn’t burn like a fresh wound.

Reegan, today I want to say, I think we’ll be okay, I think we’ll learn to live with the pain, I think we will figure it out.  What once seemed impossible is possible with God. 

I look forward to visiting you tomorrow, your resting place the cemetery is getting quite the assortment of toys, books, animals, lights, and even a pinwheel after tomorrow.  It’s just like you, a happy place… Imagine that, a happy place it a cemetery?!?

1 comment:

  1. Someone once said "graveyards are gardens".....I never understood that until now. God bless you guys!
