Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Painting

I have to admit this Holy Week, I've been a little half-hearted and selfish.  It seems that Jesus so clearly had a reason to die, but did Reegan? Jesus saved all of his elect, was Reegan's life worth those who will be touched by his story?  I couldn't shake the bitterness and chip on my shoulder until tonight.

It hit me like a freight train, like a ton of bricks, it took my breath away.  I was in our basement refinishing an old cabinet, painting over all the chipped, marked wood, making it acceptable to hang in our house again.  My white paintbrush was turning what would have been trash into something beautiful....

By now you've guessed where I'm going with this. Yep, that chip on my shoulder fell quickly, and I got to see clearly what I've been hearing this week, but not listening to. HE IS RISEN, the tomb is empty!  Jesus has prepared a place for Reegan, and is preparing a place for me.  He has taken my sinful, stained, dirty, marked up, chipped life and made my soul as white as snow. Whiter than that cabinet that will be hanging on the wall, without blemish.  The best part, it isn't just for me, it's for you as well. Let's spend this day reflecting on His love, and His gift to us.

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