Sunday, November 24, 2013


Yep! It's 5 weeks to our due date.. Dec 29! I can hardly believe it.. it feels like we have been "living" for December for so long, and it's FINALLY here! Oh, how we can't wait to meet little Ms. R! She is and already has been one of life's biggest blessings!

However, there's a part of me that aches, the part where there should be a big brother welcoming her into this world too..  I think for so long, I kept telling myself, once we have another baby in our arms, this ache will go away! Well.. with December approaching, I'm realizing that this is bringing more emotions than I've ever bargained for! I've heard other SIDS related parents talk about the guilt they have when getting excited for the following child they are expecting.. I can totally relate. Sometimes,  I feel guilty for moving all of Reegan's stuff aside, and redoing his room with all girlie things. Or, the guilt of getting excited for another new baby too love, hold, and to make, Lord willing, a lifetime of memories with. I'm told this is normal, but with that being said, I'm trying my hardest to be aware of it, but to not feel any guilt at all.. as I know Reegan would be sad if he knew how much we struggled with this! After all, Reegan LOVED children, I can only imagine how big his eyes would have been if he was able to welcome her home!

Reality is slowly starting to settle in. I thought I'd help it along as I packed her hospital bag today! The nursery is almost completed, just a few more small details to finish and it will be done! I'm seriously starting to wonder if reality won't kick in until I'm in labor - it may be a little late by then! :) The last 8 months have flown by, when I think back to how long 8 months took with Reegan. My pregnancy with Reegan felt as if it was never going to end, hurry up, I'm ready to be a mama kind of feeling. Andrew and myself both were very anxious as we anticipated how Reegan was about to change our lives.. and boy did he ever! I just mentioned to Andrew the other day, are you ready to do this all over again? He doesn't say too much, maybe he's doing the same, afraid to get too attached to the idea, just in case God's plans are different than ours.

I write this post tonight, and ask that you will pray for us specifically in the next month. Pray for our hearts as we enter this holiday season. Certain days we seem to remember what we had been doing a year ago with Reegan, just as I reminded Andrew this evening, Reegan was baptized a year ago tomorrow, November 25, 2012.  Dates like this always sting a bit. However, I remember our Thanksgiving celebrations that we had last year very well. I remember handing out our Christmas / Reegan's birth announcement at our Thanksgiving gatherings - with a very thankful heart! This year I will choose to be thankful for Reegan's life, and for every day of life that we are blessed with Ms. R! I have learned to never take a day for granted, and I'm truly trying to live this out as well!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Remembering Reegan..

October 16 - has come and gone... for this I'm so thankful.  The week leading up to Wednesday (his birthday) was incredibly hard. It felt as if we were just days out since the funeral. It felt like I was living in a fog, and when people would talk to us about Reegan's upcoming birthday, I would try so hard to hold it together, and not let the tears fall. Although, I know it's okay to let the tears come, just having to emotionally pull myself together again was mentally draining..

Reegan's first birthday was definitely not how I ever envisioned it would be.. but then again, who thinks that a healthy child won't live to see their next birthday. However, we did celebrate with family and close friends, and made the very best of it. We started the evening by releasing balloons at the cemetery. We all wrote a special note on a balloon, and then released them. It was beautiful, peaceful, and perfect. I find writing very therapeutic for myself, so being able to write a little special note to Reegan on his birthday, brought much healing..

Afterwards we came back to our home and ate Pizza Ranch pizza, and had cake and ice cream.

However, we were not the only ones remembering Reegan on his first birthday, most of Sioux Center was too! The Sioux Center News asked Andrew and myself to do an interview on SIDS just a week before his birthday. October was infant loss / SIDS awareness month, and the local newspaper was wanting to do an article in honor of all those tiny lives lost. I remember Andrew telling me about this opportunity, and at first my reaction was to say, thanks, but no thanks! I have been dreading this day for so long, the last thing I wanted to do was speak about what should have been a first birthday. After sleeping on it a night, Andrew consulted the interviewer about what we could expect as far as questions to help ease some of the anxiety of what we both had been feeling. The interviewer informed us that she was hoping to interview soon, as she wanted the article to be placed in the October 16th (following week's) issue. Ahhh.. What? That was our sign, we knew immediately that we needed to do this! How awesome it was going to be that Reegan would get his own recognition in the local newspaper for this first birthday! Andrew and myself decided no better way to honor our little man, than to share with many others his beautiful life legacy!  We knew that if we were going to follow through with this, then we are going to be open and honest about everything, and so it goes...

(To read the article, you may need to adjust your zoom on your computer to be able to read this well!)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Reegan!

Happy Birthday Buddy Bear!

A year, 365 days, an unimaginable year filled with emotions we never though possible. I never imagined the big anticipation for your birthday would be the placement of the headstone on your grave. Still God is good, and he blessed us with 4 1/2 months with you. He let us experience the joy of parenthood, and Lord willing will be blessing all of us with the gift of a little sister around Christmas.

Still the joys that God provides, doesn't mean we can't be sad. We miss you buddy, we miss your giggles, your smile, your voice. It sucks without you here. The adjustment going back to just your mother and I was hard, and occasionally I still find myself filling the evenings with chores or activities in order to keep busy. Still your absence is felt. We watch the children your age grow up, and wonder what might have been. Would you be walking by now? Would you be talking with us? What would you look like, how would have your personality grown? We still wouldn't trade another day on earth with you in exchange for eternity with you. We rest fully in God's promises and his providence that even though your time was short with us, God's will was fulfilled.

Wednesday will be hard for us. We'll be reminded of the days spent with you, the time we had, and how much we miss you. We'll have reminders with friends and family, and even an article in the local paper about SIDS, as much as I just want to be sad, and crawl under the covers all day, we will celebrate. We'll celebrate God's grace, His glory, and our salvation. We'll celebrate the time we had with you, the memories of you, and the great times spent together. We'll all lean on Christ's comfort and care to get us through the day.

Happy Birthday Reegan! I know you'll be celebrating!


Monday, October 14, 2013


As much as my heart is aching.. I keep replaying this video over and over tonight! Reegan melts my heart! Hopefully this puts a smile on your face too! :)

If you didn't catch it, I'm asking if he had a good day at Gretchen's (the babysitter's home).. I will take that as a yes!

Andrew and myself are reflecting on our lives with Reegan. We are working togather on finishing his scrap book with the journal entries we wrote just days after his passing. I can not believe the amount of detail we both wrote down! I guess we didn't want to forget a single moment.. and listening to this sweet video tonight I can't help but smile to be this little boy's mama!
More to come later, as we celebrate Reegan's life on Weds the 16th!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month -

My heart beats rapid when I realize that it's finally October.. a month that we should be celebrating our son's birthday in just a few short weeks. We should be throwing a first birthday party, eating cake, and sharing lots of hugs and kisses.. but instead we will get to join in with many others in raising awareness for SIDS.

We are approaching that time of year, where I can feel my stomach in my throat. I can feel myself remembering what last year at this time we were doing. We were preparing to take home a sweet, baby boy, at anytime. I remember making final preparations to the nursery, making sure my hospital bag was ready to go at any given time, car seat installed, and the final to do lists completed before it was time. I sit here a year later, with many mixed emotions...

I am so thankful for what the last year has taught us. I'm so grateful that God has chosen to bless us not once, but twice in a years time with two beautiful blessings. I would be lying to you, if I said I wasn't afraid that SIDS would happen again, or the thought of having to have my time cut short again with, Lord willing, a daughter at the end of this year, beginning of next. Then, I realize that I'm playing all the "What Ifs" in life.. and oh, does that ever put my mind in a whirlwind. I then have to  refocus my thoughts on how faithful and good God has been to us. The healing that He has provided, and the assurance of His providence is something that no words can explain. I have officially become more relaxed in this past year than I have ever been. I don't seem to fret about the little things anymore. I used to get so uptight in the uncertainty of the future. I played the "What If" game a lot with myself.. What if.. one of us lost our job, we couldn't get pregnant, one of us received a bad health report, lost a family member.. and the list goes on. Now, I see clearly and can say with conviction to EVERY single one of those.. God provides, cares, knows what your yesterday was, and what your tomorrow is. In reading, My Jesus Calling, I was recently reminded, again to not worry about tomorrow, because God is already there! Beautiful reminder.. and is something that I do remind myself of daily.

With October being SIDS awareness month, I am holding myself accountable to finishing Reegan's scrap book, follow through with an interview for the Sioux Center News, grave stone is placed, and celebrate October 16 with the most love in our hearts we could possibly have! We haven't exactly decided how we are going to celebrate yet, but regardless, I will remain thankful for the blessing Reegan was to us and so many others. I will remember his sweet smile, beautiful eyes, heartwarming coos, and loving personality until we are reunited again! This month is also a great reminder for me to pray for all other hurting families that have lost infant children. I'm convinced this ache will never go away.. but so thankful that God loves us and our children more than we can ever imagine!

This picture always puts a smile on my face,  I can just hear him cooing right now.. or singing beautifully in Heaven!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

6 Months -
I can't believe we are approaching the 6 month milestone already.. it's hard to believe that Reegan would have been 10 months. I sit here and I just try to imagine what would life be like if Reegan was still here. Would he have been walking? What would have been his favorite foods? Would he have grown some hair on that little bald head of his?

However, I can say the peace that surpasses all understanding, and with time and many prayers Andrew and myself are doing considerable well. We have our moments, we have our days, that are still very hard. I think the hardest thing that we are anticipating right now, is that in 2 months it would have been his birthday.. October 16. What is this day going to bring? I will be honest, I'm afraid to face that day, and it's not that far away now. I'm afraid to face the first Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know this is only normal, and yet it doesn't make it any easier. I know that when those days approach that God will give us the extra strength we need to get through it.

Our lives have been as back to normal, as normal can be. We have been keeping ourselves incredibly busy this summer, it's helped with passing time. We have spent most weekends at the lakes, camping with family and friends. Spending time in God's creation, and enjoying each others fellowship has definitely brought good healing. Maybe our not so recent news anymore, has helped with that too! Lord willing we will be bringing home another baby at the end of this year, or beginning of next! We are so truly grateful that God has blessed us this soon again. Reegan left us with a burning desire to have more children. Our hearts break when we think he won't be here to be apart of his earthly family, or to be the big brother that I know he would have loved. I know that one day, God will reunite us all again, and my continual and constant prayer is that God's will on this earth will be completed soon!

We are beyond excited to become earthly parents again! It's hard to fathom that I'm half way there already... when I think of that, I realize that I need to kick it into gear. I have a LOT of things that I need to get done before then. Finish Reegan's scrapbook, clean and reorganize the nursery, repaint the nursery, you get the hint. Speaking of the nursery, I have had so many ask me what I'm going to do with Reegan's room. Good question, I'm hoping the ultrasound this Friday will give me an answer as to what needs to be done. I have not touched his room, other than it being complete dumping grounds for you name it at this point. The dresser, and closet look just the way they did 6 months ago. I have a bit of anxiety about having to pick up the pieces and move on. I know I could leave it, and use the other spare bedroom in our home, but I don't think that will solve anything either. I am hoping that a fresh coat of paint, some new artwork, and DIY projects that I have in mind, will give us a fresh start. If it's a boy, I'll have it made pretty easy with just having to swap clothes out from a tub that's in the bottom of the closet. However, if it's a girl, I've already been warned that grandma Roelfs is ready to buy pink, and lots of it, if she's given the chance!

The other common asked question? What would you like.. a boy or girl? Obviously, like any parent, our prayer is that this child is healthy, whether that be a boy or girl. A boy would be so fun again, I feel like we would be able to pick up where we left off.. not that this child would EVER replace Reegan. If it's a girl.. then that's a whole new ball game, and it's Andrew's turn to be out numbered! ;) Hopefully sometime over the weekend we will be able to reveal the sex of this child.. so you better stay tuned! I'm 98% confident we are having another boy... why? I feel exactly how I did last summer at this time, it's an identical pregnancy all over again. I guess time will only tell. Andrew on the other hand, he's rather hopeful for another boy.. go figure! :)

I pray that you are continually uplifting us in prayer, as we have many exciting things to look forward too, and yet our hearts are far from healed. Please pray for a continued and healthy pregnancy. Also, remember those who have lost children whether recent or in the past. This is definitely a hard road to walk, but with God's grace and mercy, and a supportive community of prayer warriors, it is possible to find the joy in everyday life even when some days that seems like the impossible.

I will try and not let another 3 months go by before I post again! Until then, thank you for your continued support.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

 Happy Mother's Day! I've been anxious about this day all week. How do I help celebrate how great a mother Angela was, and help her find joy and confidence in her abilities, while still giving her room to be sad? It's funny how someone can be joyful and sad at the same time. Some days those are the emotions we live in.  Today will be hard for us, it will be hard for Angela. She doesn't have to be strong today, God will be strong for her, and I'll continue to offer many reminders of all the things she did well, and will continue to do well that day God blesses us again.

I also feel a little guilty, I've put so much time and thought into Angela's current state, I've barely even mentioned my own mother. Happy Mother's Day mom! Thanks for being there while we were growing up, carting us from one activity to the next, and raising us in a good Christian home.  Also, almost 12 years ago I was introduced to a mom that would later become my mother-in-law. Happy Mother's Day Brenda!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day..

I remember all to clearly being pregnant last year for Mother's Day. I was literally smiling from ear to ear.. because I was thinking all day.. how next year for Mother's Day I will have a baby of my own to cuddle and love on. Yeah... that's how I would have liked it.. but God had bigger and different plans than ours. Just maybe, God will fill our hurting arms and bless us with a baby kind of joy sooner than later. That is our prayer..

Although, today could be very depressing in itself. I'm going to try and keep my chin up today. I'm going to remember the time that I got to be a mom, to the most beautiful boy that I have ever known. I'm remembering how blessed I felt tucking that little man in every night. Rocking him to sleep was one of my favorite things to do as a mom. I enjoyed singing "Jesus Loves Me," as he would watch the fish go up and down in his lava lamp nightlight. It was perfect. Sometimes, I would just hold him and pray thanking God for Reegan. Afterall, being a mom is the best thing in the world, and by far the best thing I have experienced in this life! Having Reegan was the best 4.5 months of my life... why did this have to end so soon? I have asked myself that question unfortunatly too much in the last few days in anticipation for this coming weekend. I have spent much time looking back at many pictures, all that have been taken in the last 6 months. It's almost like I can't remember what it's like to have a sweet baby in my arms, so I have to look at pictures to remind myself of the pure joy that we once had. Oh, how my heart breaks when I see those dark blue eyes looking back at me. I can just hear him cooing. Oh Buddy Bear.. we miss you.

So I say I'm going to keep my chin up - I think this might be harder than I thought it would be. However, in the last few months I have made some new frienships with other moms who have and continue to walk the same shoes we have. I'm going to pray for extra grace today not only for myself but for them too. This will be the first Mother's Day, for many of those moms, without their children too. It's an ugly and too familiar road at this point, but we all know that it is God's plan and that our children are forever safe with him.

One of my favorite verses is: Jeremiah 29:11 -For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. This is such a beautiful reminder, again and again. I will not be stuck in these days of grief, but I will look ahead and keep my mind focused on what is yet to come. Whether this be a future family, a family vacation, or just getting through another day. I am forever hopeful. Hopeful for a brighter future, a brighter tomorrow. The words in Hebrew 11:1 are exactly how you live out Jeremiah 29:11. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. When the days are hard and with Mother's Day soon approaching I am continually reminding myself that Reegan is in the greatest place he could be. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, and pick up my feet and look forward. God has great things in store for us. Romans 8:28 -  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Although, the last year is definetly not a road that I would have chosen for myself, I will be forever grateful for the time that God blessed me to be Reegan's mother for a short time here on this earth. I would not trade those days for the world. The Lord is GOOD he continues to bless us abundantly - he has not forgottten us. Psalm 67 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us. Amen.

Happy Mother's Day! What a great day to acknowledge all loving and caring mothers. I know I have one of the best ones! I don't know what I would do with out her.. although, she says I'd be just fine! :) I pray that God blesses her with many more healthy years! I love you.

Angela Marie

Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Norm -
Reegan, it's almost been 2 months - although, it's felt like 2 years. I can't help but think that your life was already 1/2 over, since the time of your funeral. Your dad and I miss you terribly. Are hearts hurt some days more than others, and especially on Sundays. We never did anything but go to church twice on Sundays, play, take a nap, and play some more. We miss seeing your big smile during church. You thoroughly enjoyed watching the other little kids during the service, and we especially got a kick out of you a time or too when you were singing right along with the congregation. You could carry a pretty good tune for being such a little guy. Many people would comment how alert you were for your age. I'm so thankful that God fast forward you so that we could enjoy your giggles, and smiles much sooner than most babies your age. From time to time your father and myself ask God, why..why Reegan? Unfortunately, we haven't and won't receive any answers, so we are just trying our best to accept this new reality. It's hard though, everywhere we go, people seem to be enjoying life with their precious families, new babies being born, families announcing their pregnancies, and so forth. We are trying our best  to keep our eyes looking forward, praying that God does reveal his plan for us. We truly miss having a sweet baby to love on, knowing that we will never have you again - is a very hard reality to accept. I'm just thankful that we showed as much love as we could to you.. we told you daily, several times a day, how much we loved you - your dad would repeatedly say, "Reegan, mommy and daddy love you." It was the sweetest things to be ears.. as I would hear you giggle back as your dad would say this over and over and over. I told you I loved you often, but I know that I kissed that sweet bald head of yours more! Probably more than you cared or more than I can count. But that's just okay. We have no regrets with you! We spent as much time as we possibly could giving you the attention you deserved!

I never really enjoyed dropping you off at daycare - it was just something that I had to do. I would count the hours and minutes before I got to see you again! I knew you were in good hands and that you loved those "big kids" at Gretchen's! It wasn't until you were gone, that I fully understood your love for daycare! One of the little boys at daycare told his mother, just a few weeks after you passed that he really missed you at daycare. His mother proceeded to tell him that all the kids missed you. The little boy proceeded to say, "Mom, but I tickled his feet everyday at lunch, and he loved it!" Oh I know that you did - every little attention you got from children just seemed to put the biggest smile on your face. Another daycare story that Gretchen told me was, she was just starting to put you in the saucer, and you would play and play. However, you did not like it when you would get yourself turned around and would be facing the opposite direction of all the kids. You would squawk enough to let Gretchen know that you needed to be turned around. Then a big smile would  come over your face yet again. You also had a "big brother" at daycare that was always watching out for you! Yep, you knew it, Brendan. He is such a special little boy to us. I recently too found out that he would beg his mom to take a toy to what she thought was preschool. When in reality, he was trying to take toys to Gretchen's house to show you during the time you spent in the boppy during his lunch time before preschool. Every day, you and Brendan had lunch together, I believe the last toy he brought was a stuffed lion that it's eyes lit up and he would roar! Brendan says you loved it! I can only imagine.. how much the two of you enjoyed each other's company. I know that you left an everlasting memory for Brendan too, as he continues to pray for you daily. I've heard Brendan pray before meal times, thanking God for his food, family, etc.. but he has also added to his prayer - It's too bad that Reegan had to die, but we will see him again some day! What faith that little Brendan has at the age of 5.

 I am 100% confident that you enjoyed your time at Gretchen's. I would ask you every morning if you were ready to go to Gretchen's and play with the big kids? You would always giggle and smile when asked this question - I'm pretty sure you knew what I was saying! You LOVED the kids there and Gretchen was like a 2nd grandma to you too! I know she loved you like her own and that she gave you the best care she could! My day care bill is a bill I wish I could have back in a heartbeat! The next time your writing out the daycare check - remind yourself what a blessing it truly is!
It's unreal how many lives you have touched in your short time - young and old. You have reminded us what is really important in this life, and what's not so much. The joy that you brought to so many is very evident. Your beautiful smile, and big blue eyes - you really were a heart breaker! Just like I would count the days and minutes that I could see you till the end of my work day - I am wondering how many more days, weeks, months, years before we will meet again? Either the Lord will return or call us home, then there will be no more counting cause we will be forever together

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

6 months -

I'm sitting inside on a cold, rainy, soon to be snow storm kind of day. While I'm sitting here, I'm thinking.. thinking.. what would Reegan be doing as he would be turning 6 months today?! As much as we miss loving on our handsome little man, I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since we held him last. Far to long.. but yet it feels like it's been forever, when will this fog lift?

The autopsy report has come back as of last week. It has been confirmed, SIDS. Reegan's body was perfectly healthy! As hard as it is to accept the reality of his death, we are thankful knowing that there wasn't something wrong, and that he didn't suffer. We are thankful knowing it wasn't something genetic that would cause us to consider our future family planning.  My initial concern was that he had choked, but that too has been ruled out. SIDS.. never in a million years, did I think that was going to happen to our child. Afterall, Reegan did not match any of the criteria that would have put him at risk.  Our initial reaction to the report was that we were upset. In our minds there had to be something or some reason why his tine on this earth had to be cut so short. After all, we were having so much FUN and what JOY Reegan brought to our lives. Andrew and myself truely did playfully fight who got to feed / play with him in the evenings. On a typical night you would have found Reegan and ourselves laying on our living room floor, singing songs, reading books, and playing. It feels so long ago that we had that kind of  "joy" in our home.

I'm thankful that God gave us a beautiful, healthy child that we could truely enjoy for 4.5 months! Reegan has taught me more that I could have ever imagined in such a short time. I have learned that in trials, you can still find Joy! It may not be the kind of baby loving / sweet smilies / giggles kind of joy that I feel I'm missing out on. But rather, Joy that is found in being in God's presence ( Romans 15:13- Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is loaded with Joy! Joy of Salvation, joy of knowing he's the one in control of ALL things, joy found in being thankful in all circumstances, joy of knowing God in tribulations. Yep, you got it, we have found the REAL Joy in life. We are clinging tighter to it than ever. The best part is, this Joy will never leave us! It may be difficult to find in times, but the joy of the Lord is my strength! Even as difficult as it may be some days to put a smile on our faces, and face the real world. We know that God is by our side, never will he leave us! We have to be ever seeking his presence, and he will fill us with a Joy that no worldy desire can fill. What an awesome promise this is! We cling knowing in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose! Neither life or death can seperate us from the eternal love of God that has saved us! This is what keeps us going in life, becuase the days are hard. When you step back and realise that God has everything in control, you will find much relief in this spinning out of control kind of world.

One thing that brings pure joy to us, is knowing that Reegan is experiencing Heaven and all it's glory! I've never been more fascinated in my life about Heaven than I have now. You and me both know we can't fathom what Heaven is really like. However, I have been reading a devotional, "We Shall See God," the devotion is answering some of the questions that I have had. Knowing that Reegan is experiencing far better than what we can even imagine is so comforting. One day, we too will get to experience that Joy - what a glorious day that will be!

Once again, we are reminded that each day is a beatiful gift from God. We never know when he will call us to his glorious home. We DO know that he is preparing a place for you and me there, this he promises. The Lord calls the young, the old, the sick, the healthy home. There is no guarantee that you will have another day on this earth. Spend each day praising the One that has blessed you abundantly!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

5 weeks-

Tonight, I decided to take Andrew’s new bike out for a spin. I thought a perfect ride would be to go to the cemetery. I’m not sure what brought me more pain tonight – the sore bottom that I had before I made it half way there or just visiting the place where Reegan’s body lays at rest. I couldn’t help but notice again tonight that the flowers from the funeral are all dead and discolored, except the purple flowers which we originally placed in the sway to represent royalty. After all we thought it was only acceptable to place purple in the sway to represent his name meaning – born into royalty, little ruler. I still visit his grave, and I can’t help but still ask, “Why God?” My hurt continues to hurt, and it doesn’t feel like it’s getting any better. Although, I find that exercising and getting out of the house these days has helped boost my overall attitude in general. I will take delight in God for blessing me with new mercies every day. My prayer is that you will continue to uphold Andrew and myself but that you will also pray for our marriage. Grief in itself is UGLY. You never know what will set you off, or what little memory will bring us to our knees wailing. While all of this is taking place, we still have marriage to “maintain.” Marriage in itself requires an ideal amount of work with communication, respect, love to list a few. I pray that Andrew and myself will stay strong, knowing that over 50% of marriages that involve a child loss end in divorce is a scary statistic. Although we are well aware of this, we continue to covet prayers. The stress on a marriage of each other grieving at different times is very difficult some days. Why did we only have Reegan such a short time, but have such a long road ahead? I guess something we are just not meant to know on this earth. However, we continue to cling to God’s promises, and that is sufficient for today.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Painting

I have to admit this Holy Week, I've been a little half-hearted and selfish.  It seems that Jesus so clearly had a reason to die, but did Reegan? Jesus saved all of his elect, was Reegan's life worth those who will be touched by his story?  I couldn't shake the bitterness and chip on my shoulder until tonight.

It hit me like a freight train, like a ton of bricks, it took my breath away.  I was in our basement refinishing an old cabinet, painting over all the chipped, marked wood, making it acceptable to hang in our house again.  My white paintbrush was turning what would have been trash into something beautiful....

By now you've guessed where I'm going with this. Yep, that chip on my shoulder fell quickly, and I got to see clearly what I've been hearing this week, but not listening to. HE IS RISEN, the tomb is empty!  Jesus has prepared a place for Reegan, and is preparing a place for me.  He has taken my sinful, stained, dirty, marked up, chipped life and made my soul as white as snow. Whiter than that cabinet that will be hanging on the wall, without blemish.  The best part, it isn't just for me, it's for you as well. Let's spend this day reflecting on His love, and His gift to us.
Andrew and myself have been blessed to have so many people uplifting us in prayers, sending gifts, thoughtful cards, memorials, etc. However, this past week I rec'd this beautiful poem in the mail by a mother that lost their baby boy last summer. I found it very touching and the words so true and I thought I'd share with you! Please continue to remember us in daily prayers.

We pray that you will have a blessed Easter praising the One that lives!

A Baby’s Love
I’m just a little feller
Who didn’t stay very longI
Went to be with Jesus,
But I’m waiting for you here.

Don’t you fret about me mommy,
I’m, of all God’s lambs, most blest.
I’d have loved to stay there with you,
But the Shepherd knows what’s best.

Many dwelling here where I live,
Waited years to enter in.
Struggled through a world of sorrow,
And their lives were marred with sin.

So, sweet mommy, don’t you sorrow,
Wipe those tears and close the gloom.
I went straight to Jesus bosom,
Because of the empty tomb.

Thank you for the life you gave me,
It was brief but don’t complain.
I have all of heaven’s glory,
Suffered non of earthling’s pain.

Thank you for the name you gave me,
I’d have loved to brought it fame.
But, if I lingered in earth’s shadow,
I might instead brought it shame.

 So, I’ll be waiting for you mommy,
You, and daddy, and the rest.
I’ll be with you then, forever,
Praising.. Singing.. In heaven’s bliss.

**Little Feet Leave Big Imprints On Our Heart**

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A month, a whole month, a month seems like an eternity ago. A month since I heard your giggle, saw your face, kissed your sweet baby cheeks.  I never could imagine the hurt and pain possible within a month.  I’ve never shed so many tears in a month, never felt so much pain, never been forced to be this strong in a month.

I’ve also never been closer to God. I know without a shadow of a doubt He is here with me.  He doesn’t always walk with me, sometimes he carries me.  I think about the pain of losing our son on earth, and Easter is a whole new meaning.

I am thankful with every fiber of my body that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for me. I will experience eternity with Him, nothing else matters. As we embark on this week I personally feel a glimpse of the pain of losing and burying a son. As dark as this week ends, and as ugly as the pain is, we live for Sunday, the tomb is empty, He has risen, and I will rise to spend eternity with God’s Son and the entire family of believers.  Glorious will be that day!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Reegan –

We are approaching the 1 month mark of you being in Heaven.  These days.. I seem to be catching myself day dreaming quite often. I’m dreaming of you in Heaven and what you are experiencing.. I long for that day when we meet again. But, Your father and myself are doing well, considering the circumstances.  I never thought we’d make it out alive, drowning in fear and heart ache scared me to death! I have learned to depend on our Sovereign God more than ever in my entire life. Your dad’s prayer every night before you passed away, that God would grant us as parents wisdom to raise you in a godly way. I always thought to myself, wisdom is a different word for what I would have used for God’s guidance in raising you.. but who would have known that it was God speaking to us so clearly.

Today I decided I was going to Google the word wisdom. Wisdom is the judicious theory and application of knowledge. It is a deep understanding and realization of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of one's emotional reactions so that universal principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions.  Wow – I had to reread this a few times, to get what it grasped. But, I think it was a perfect usage of words all along! Providence, one would say. Your father has been praying for an understanding of “losing you” before God called you home.

Providence is also another beautiful word that I have come to appreciate. I was always aware that everything happened for a purpose. It wasn’t until Reegan was called home that I truly grasped God’s Providence. Providence:  All predestined therefore every action is because God willed it. Everything is providence! Did you catch that? EVERYTHING is providence. From the moment Reegan was created in my womb, to the moment he was born, to the false diagnosis of testicular cancer, a wonderful 12 week maternity leave, to the time God called Reegan home. EVERYTHING was in God’s plan. We are taking great comfort in knowing that there is nothing that we could have done differently, that would have changed the outcome of keeping you on this earth longer. However, we were not ready to give you up, you are one blessed boy to be serving our Savior in the heavenly kingdom!

Our prayer with many others, is that God will continue giving us a peace that surpasses all understanding. Let me tell you, this peace is unexplainable, that leaves me speechless. However, I know that we serve an Almighty God, that does indescribable things! I pray as we continue on this road of grief, we will continue clinging to God’s promises, because after all we serve a God has bigger and better things in store for us than we can probably imagine!

Reegan, if your receiving a few extra kisses in heaven, they’re from your mama! Sometimes, I just whisper to God and ask him to give you a kiss from me!

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed – Ps. 20:4
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reegan Drew
It’s been 3 weeks, 21 days, roughly 510 hours since I kissed you goodbye, told you I loved you, and left for work.  This has been the longest, hardest 3 weeks of my life.  Time moves in slow motion, I’m on the outside looking in, and I’m still guarded with my emotions. Yet I know, I know you don’t miss me, I know you probably don’t even realize I’m not in heaven, but I wonder, maybe, just maybe, do you look for me, or miss my voice? In reality, I hope not, I know heaven is a wonderful place filled with joy and celebration, not like this world, not with pain and hurt.

Our lives are getting busy again, busy with work, busy with friends, busy with family.  It’s nice to start figuring out what normal will look like again, even though I’d trade it in an instant for another minute with you.

Today was also the one year anniversary for a classmate of mine’s baby’s passing.  Her name is Peyton, and I know her parents loved her as much as I love you, so we’ll be praying for them today, praying that God holds them close, praying they experience peace, praying the pain goes away for them and doesn’t burn like a fresh wound.

Reegan, today I want to say, I think we’ll be okay, I think we’ll learn to live with the pain, I think we will figure it out.  What once seemed impossible is possible with God. 

I look forward to visiting you tomorrow, your resting place the cemetery is getting quite the assortment of toys, books, animals, lights, and even a pinwheel after tomorrow.  It’s just like you, a happy place… Imagine that, a happy place it a cemetery?!?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

To my Buddy Bear –
It’s been almost 3 weeks since, I've gotten to kiss your checks, hear your giggles, hold you close, and whisper, I love you. Why does it seem longer than that? Why does it feel like it’s been years since I've last seen your smile? My hearts hurts. Everything reminds me of you, and I can’t help but think how good we had it! I was on my way to work this morning, and I looked in my rear view mirror, and just that, it broke my heart to not see you sleeping away in your car seat! How long is this aching going to last? I've had several people tell me that the pain will always be there, it just depends how you are going to deal with it. Lord, help me… I pray this over, and over! The quietness of my home is something I never expected to return until your father and myself were old, when our children where all grown and moved out. I’m using this quiet time in my life to learn more about God and to reassure myself of his promises! When I think too much, I just get upset and think about everything that I’m missing out on.. reading books, singing your favorite songs, playing endlessly… then I look out my window and I can’t help but think about walks, bike rides, and camping, When these thoughts overwhelm me, I have to remember that you are happy, and experiencing God’s glory and there’s NOTHING on this earth that compares to that! I can’t help but wonder what Heaven is like, who have you meet, what are you doing, have you asked Jonah what it was like to stay 3 days inside the belly of a whale? Speaking of Jonah, I miss reading that book too! J Every time I have this moment of break down, I need to remember, that life is still good even in the trials. I still Thank God for giving us 4.5 months of pure joy, we will never understand why you were taken so soon. But yet, I praise God and thank him and rejoice with you, because we do know that you are singing with the angels! I know that you are not suffering, hurting, or crying.. so why should I be so sad? I know that God is using this time in our life, to reveal a bigger and better plan for us. I know that God will not leave us hurting forever,  for joy comes in the morning. God is faithful, there are no tragedies in life, because it’s all part of the plan. I’ve learned that it’s okay to cry, it okay to be sad, it’s even okay to ask God why. After all these are part of the steps of grieving, ugh, that’s an ugly word! But then again, I get an overwhelming sense of God’s grace, and then I’m able to put a smile on my face. In a blink of an eye, we will see each other again.. and oh what a joyous day that will be! Till then, see you later!

From your mom

A child that loses a parent is an orphan.
A man who loses his wife is a widower.
A woman who loses her husband is a widow.
There is no name for a parent that loses a child,
for there is no word to describe this pain 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Empty Glass

Tonight I had the opportunity to spend some time with my brother.  Archery is a pasttime of ours, and we spent some time together enjoying it.  Not alot of words were spoken, but we were enjoying time with one another.  I regret not doing this very often.  I enjoy our relationship, and feel like as his older brother I might be able to teach him a thing or two, and learn from him.

After archery we went out for supper, and across the room was a couple with a son, about Reegan's age.  It looked like the dad was having so much fun.  I'm sure I stared, and I'm sure my brother noticed I was only half in the conversation, but he didn't say anything, and I'm grateful for that.

I'm getting past the initial questions and condolences from people now, and they are asking me to dive into how I'm really feeling. I know their concerned, I just really struggle with answers outside of the ones I've rehearsed.  So I am taking a little time now to think, and share about how I'm feeling.  I feel like an empty glass.  I remember what it was like to be full of joy, full of happiness, full of love, but right now I don't have those things.  I'm patiently waiting to be filled again, waiting for what's next.  It doesn't matter whether it's water, milk, or juice, God, just fill my cup, I want to be full again. Not only do I want to be full, the other cup in my cupboard right next to me wants it just as much. She talks about it all the time, and despite my own desires, I have to provide her with patience as well.

So for now I'm empty, but I'm patiently, hopefully, and even at times fearfully waiting to be filled up again.  I know it's coming, but I don't know when.

I know there is people out their still praying for us, and my prayer for tonight is Lord, just give me a glimpse of what is coming, Lord let me see what you are going to fill my cup with, Lord help me to be patient in waiting for you. I do know my glass isn't really empty, it is filled with the Holy Spirit and You are here with me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today is March 12, almost two weeks after the Lord called Reegan home.  Today is also Quinn-cidence day, where a couple from from Sioux Falls would have celebrated their daughters one year birthday, except the Lord took her as well.  I've returned to work this week, and life is resuming to a new normal.  Yet not all of me is with it, it seems that even though I am going through the motions, part of me is stuck in the past, always remembering, afraid that I'll forget.  I get asked how it's doing, and get told many of times by people to let me know if they can do anything for me....Well I'm not sure what you can do or even how I'm really feeling right now, you can't bring Reegan back, you can't take away the pain we've experienced, and you certianly can't get us to meet him again any quicker.  I politely brush off the comments, but yes, their is one thing you can do for us, PRAY! Pray the Lord blesses us again, pray for continued peace, pray for our marriage, pray for our adjustments to this new normal. In the meantime we'll be praying too, praying for God to reveal His plan to us, because despite the pain, our God is good, and he will see us through this.